ASUO Student Senate - Engage

About ASUO Student Senate
Welcome to the ASUO Student Senate - Engage page! We are thrilled to have the opportunity to share more about our organization's activities, events, and initiatives. As the official governing body for the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO), the Student Senate plays a crucial role in voicing student concerns, developing policies, and promoting positive change on campus.
Our Mission
At the ASUO Student Senate, our mission is to represent the diverse student body and foster a vibrant and inclusive campus community. Through collaboration, advocacy, and engagement, we strive to address pressing student issues, support student organizations, and enhance the overall student experience at the University of Oregon.
Engaging with ASUO Student Senate
If you are a student looking to get involved, there are several ways to engage with ASUO Student Senate:
1. Attend Senate Meetings
Our Senate meetings are open to all students, providing an opportunity to voice concerns, share ideas, and contribute to the decision-making process. By attending these meetings, you can stay updated on the latest developments and actively participate in shaping campus policies.
2. Join a Committee
ASUO Student Senate operates various committees focused on specific areas of student life, such as academics, sustainability, diversity, and more. Joining a committee allows you to delve deeper into topics that matter to you and collaborate with like-minded students to bring about meaningful change.
3. Run for Office
Becoming an elected representative in ASUO Student Senate is a fantastic opportunity to make a lasting impact on campus. As a senator, you will have the privilege to advocate for student needs, shape policy decisions, and serve as a voice for your constituents.
4. Participate in Events
Throughout the year, ASUO Student Senate organizes a wide range of events aimed at fostering community engagement, celebrating diversity, and addressing important student issues. Keep an eye on our event calendar to get involved and connect with fellow students.
Benefits of Engaging with ASUO Student Senate
Engaging with ASUO Student Senate offers numerous benefits to students:
A. Influence and Impact
By actively participating in ASUO Student Senate, you have the power to influence decisions that shape the university's policies and initiatives. Your ideas, perspectives, and concerns matter, and engaging with us provides a platform to make a tangible impact on your campus experience.
B. Skills Development
Engaging with ASUO Student Senate allows you to develop and enhance a wide range of skills. From public speaking and leadership to teamwork and critical thinking, being involved in student governance helps you gain invaluable experience that can strengthen your future career prospects.
C. Networking Opportunities
Joining ASUO Student Senate opens doors to valuable networking opportunities. You can connect with fellow passionate students, faculty members, administrators, and community leaders who share your dedication to student welfare and positive change.
D. Resume Enhancement
Active involvement with ASUO Student Senate looks impressive on your resume. Employers and graduate school admissions committees value candidates who demonstrate engagement, leadership, and a commitment to their community.
Get Involved Today!
Don't miss out on the chance to engage with ASUO Student Senate! Join us now, and be part of a dynamic organization that champions student voices, fosters inclusivity, and shapes the future of the University of Oregon. Together, we can make a difference!