17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM Transit Route - Binghamton


Welcome to the 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route page in Binghamton. Here you will find all the essential information about this route to help you plan your journey effectively. Whether you are a regular commuter or a first-time visitor, this page will provide you with detailed insights and useful tips to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transit experience.

About the Route

The 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route connects various key locations in Binghamton, catering to the transportation needs of both residents and tourists. Starting from Johnson City, this route travels through several neighborhoods, major streets, and important landmarks before reaching its final destination in Binghamton.

Key Stops

Some of the key stops along the 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route include:

  • Johnson City Central Schools
  • Main Street Station
  • Downtown Shopping Center
  • City Park
  • University Square
  • Binghamton Central Library

Schedule and Frequency

The 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route operates on a regular schedule throughout the week, including weekends and holidays. During peak hours, such as 8:00 AM when this route is inbound, the frequency is significantly higher to accommodate the increased demand. It is recommended to arrive a few minutes early at your designated stop to ensure you don't miss the bus.

Fares and Ticket Information

Before boarding the 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route, make sure you have the necessary fare ready. The current fare rates and ticket information can be found on our official website or by contacting our customer service. We offer various ticket options to suit different travel needs, including single ride tickets, daily passes, and monthly passes.

Tips for a Pleasant Journey

To make your journey on the 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route enjoyable and convenient, here are some helpful tips:

  1. Plan your trip in advance by checking the schedule and allowing enough travel time.
  2. Arrive at the bus stop a few minutes early to avoid any potential delays.
  3. Have your fare ready and ensure you are familiar with the ticket options available.
  4. Respect other passengers and maintain a calm and friendly atmosphere during your journey.
  5. Keep your belongings secure and be mindful of your surroundings.
  6. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the bus driver or our customer service.

Contact Information

If you require any additional information or have specific inquiries regarding the 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route, feel free to contact our customer service team who will be more than happy to assist you. You can reach us through the contact details provided on our official website.

Thank you for choosing our transit service. We strive to provide reliable and efficient transportation for the residents and visitors of Binghamton. We hope that the 17 Johnson City Inbound 8AM transit route meets your commuting needs and ensures a comfortable journey. Enjoy your travel!


Jim Mollica

Great route for commuters!